Baby Sign Language

Your baby has so much to tell you! In our playful classes we’ll cover exactly how to start signing with your little one, as well as the perfect starter signs to begin early communication as a family. Each week we’ll build vocabulary and strategies for everyday conversations and activities like diaper changes, mealtime, playtime, family, and more.

Upcoming classes

Session 1:
September 9th – October 21st (5 week session- No Class on Sept. 30th or Oct. 14th)
Mondays 11:30am -12:15pm or 12:45pm – 1:30pm

Session 2:
October 28th-December 9th (5 week session- No class Nov. 11th or 18th)

Mondays 12:45- 1:30pm

Intermediate *completion of the Beginner course is recommended
Mondays 11:30am-12:15pm